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搜尋參考資料: 1. www.dkny.com Donna Karan New York - DKNY designer clothing and fashion for women and men including shoes, bags, accessories, and fragrance. Shop now. www.dkny.com/bags ... crossbodies and more at DKNY.com DKNY. Ship To. International Shipping. DKNY now ships to multiple international destinations through our partner, Borderfree. The DKNY spring 2013 collection is dominated by simple silhouettes enhanced by pure white & white as well as yellow cab tones presented at the New York Fashion Week. video.vogue.com/watch/dkny-spring-2013 Watch the DKNY fashion show video from Vogue. Want more? Visit Vogue.com for new fashion trends, style looks, runway shows, shopping guides, models, and designers. www.style.com/fashion-shows/resort-2013/donna-karan 04.06.2012 · "The collection before the next collection" is how Donna Karan introduced her new lineup this morning at a small show in her studio. It's telling that she ... |
品牌故事: 源自其創始人唐納卡蘭的名字,即Donna Karan New York的首字母縮寫DKNY。 DKNY品牌創立於1984年,創立伊始即對紐約所匯聚的不同文化及其獨特的生活氣息作了一個全新的詮釋。DKNY以更前衛、更時尚、更休閒的手法描繪了紐約不同文化、不同生活方式的時代氣息,以截然不同的語言體現dkny獨特的魅力
- Jun 20 Sat 2015 16:40
DKNY 2014女經典蕾絲貼身比基尼黑色三角內著3件組(預購) ♥省很多♥